business consulting

Bloom Foundational Principles

You are a constellation of stories, nothing more or less. What you believe is what you see. On some level, we've all experienced this. We manifest our reality. What we believe about our physiology, or organs, our cells, our blood, can dramatically impact our world. A belief that is erroneous, as in the case of accepting a diagnosis of diseases, can be fatal. 

I wanted to give a little overview of some of the considerations that I feel are pertinent, so you can test them out in their own lives. It's imperative to test every concept against life experience, so that you don't wind up lead astray by blindly following leaders. 

The Spine and The Inevitability of Healing

Like the entire body intelligence, the spine is brilliantly engineered. The perfect balance between mobility and protection; flexibility and durability. With the elegance of form that rivals anything we've seen. 

The spine is modeled in a graceful natural curve. No one vertebrae touches another. They are buffered by fluid mediums. We float and are fluid in our bodies, and our bones float with us. Even the bones are said to be 31% water (though I don’t trust those sorts of numbers, generally). 

Sometimes, an unnatural twist occurs in the spine. A minor twist, or one so extreme that a diagnosis is required. Scoliosis, for instance. This twist can occur as organs and viscera tighten due to congestion and/or deterioration from a corrosive diet, acidic thought patterns, or it can occur in reaction to a mental pattern. I worked with a client once who viewed her sexual fantasies as ‘twisted’, and this manifested as a physical twist. The body is, after all, an embodiment of our beliefs. As I straightened her torso physically, tears flowed. She just couldn't believe that the way I had positioned her was straight. She'd felt 'twisted. I showed her the mirror, and more tears flowed, wetting her cheeks and shoulders. 

Gaps in Awareness (and how to fill them)

In day to day living, we are largely unconscious. We often behave mechanically, going from pattern to pattern automatically, moving through our days and lives. We live in the liminal spaces, looking forward to life events, or back with nostalgia on the past.

Here are some practical tips for bringing awareness back, using the body as a springboard. (Hint: this has nothing to do with meditation). 

Holistic Postural Analysis

'We are all different. Still, standing in the way that the body was designed to stand becomes effortless. Living around our discomfort, (as our adapted posture is usually a way to avoid pain), is  taxing to the entire system. Muscles suffer; bones suffer; organs suffer; we suffer. We drain our energy into a black hole, rather than pour it into creative expression, leadership, love... the building of dreams. 

Standing in flow is a way to stand with whatever is, and to face it head on. I say we meet life with our whole body; nothing tucked away; nothing twisting to deflect; nothing collapsing so as not to feel.

Here are a few guidelines... 

Deepening your Healing Practice

Faith is critical during this process, because healing happens outside of linear time. We weave in and out of childhood as though time didn't exist, welcoming back old abandoned pieces. Most of the tools we learn for measuring and quantifying in life do not apply here. 

How do you measure the healing of the heart and soul?

How do you compare one moment to another, in a constellation where 'change is the one constant?' 

The flowing forward calls upon an inner knowing; on following an inner compass that is uniquely your own. 

Invite whatever is happening into the dance

If a fire engine goes wailing by during a meeting (or a walk, or a meditation, or a meal), or the wind chime sings, or a fierce storm kicks in, that means something. We can invite that into the dance (instead of seeing it as some sort of interruption).

It's life flowing. Life can't interrupt itself. 

Nourishment for Enhanced Performance

It makes no sense to say 'I eat well compared to those around me.' We need to eat well enough so that vitality becomes first a possibility, and then a reality. Sometimes this means pristine eating for a number of months or years. What is 'pristine eating'? Fruit and herbs. 

We need to support our body intelligence in clearing out the system, resetting, and eventually rebuilding the body. During this process, you are dismantling the old, and building up a better, more functional YOU. If you are riddled with emotional or physical symptoms, the diet needs to shift. 

Shifting to a fruit based diet is the most direct path to greater vitality and enhanced quality of life. In driving toward your peak, nourishment becomes critical. Otherwise, you are perpetually grinding against your own design. 

How nourished are you? 

In truth, 

Steven Budden

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