
Radically Enhancing Aliveness

A radical enhancement of aliveness occurs in the realm of being itself. It means we move through a blockage foundational enough to shift the entire system. In this context, present moment awareness increases; vulnerability increases; vitality increases; joy increases; access to emotion increases; courage increases; leadership increases. In this matrix, life improves exponentially, because all pieces of life are transformed via the new way of being that is brought into the equation. More present moment awareness increases focus and effectiveness, so productivity increases, and quantifiable success increases; the increases in vulnerability and emotional intelligence means that relationships improve... usually, by leaps and bounds. 

Investing in personal evolution or enhanced consciousness

Consciousness is eroded not by experiences, but by the reaction to experiences. Have you seen a really luminous child devolve after a series of traumas or setbacks to become a bitter, angry, depressed adult?

We become masterful at seeding our devolution: through the over-use of pharmaceuticals; by ingesting non-foods over decades; by indulging in destructive practices of all kinds; by indulging disempowering thought patterns over a lifetime. The list goes on. 

What happened to the child, so full of light?

The 3 Levels of Communication (Sharing from the personality versus sharing from the essence)

To understand the levels of sharing, it is important to understand the difference between the personality and the essence. A human being is a constellation of stories, from the micro to the macro; each story dependent upon countless others. The whole of this constellation makes up the 'personality.' Most attempts at transformation occur at the level of the personality. Shifting any story moves the whole.  Living from the ground of personality has limitations, regardless of how it has been redesigned, retrofitted, orchestrated. 

The essence, on the other hand, existed before the adoption of any of the stories. We generally touch upon it only in fleeting moments, during transcendental experiences. 

Enlightenment is simply the act of moving from living from the ground of personality, to living from the ground of essence. 

Before enlightenment, we can rehearse this shift in any and every interaction. The superficial levels of sharing occur from the ground of the personality. The personality is acutely aware of itself, and what it is putting forward. It is a show, designed to keep pace with some notion of what we think we 'should' be. 

The value of embodiment (And how I found my legs again)

Currently, in our culture, there is little value placed on 'embodiment.' That is not entirely surprising. For one thing, it is difficult to commodify, and thus valued less. It takes in-depth exploration, in a culture that values quick satisfaction. Also, I think embodiment as a way of being is a dangerous prospect, because an embodied person is difficult to control. 

Invite whatever is happening into the dance

If a fire engine goes wailing by during a meeting (or a walk, or a meditation, or a meal), or the wind chime sings, or a fierce storm kicks in, that means something. We can invite that into the dance (instead of seeing it as some sort of interruption).

It's life flowing. Life can't interrupt itself. 

Evolve and let others Evolve (no two paths are alike)

Walk your path; discover your lessons; transcend your wounds. Regather the pieces of yourself that you've left scattered in the past, and put them back on the road. When you slip into judgment, consider that all of these roads may be leading to the same place.

If you're glaring at someone else because their path appears different, you may miss that beautiful flower blooming on the roadside. If your chest is constricted, how are you going to catch this next breath?