Healing is easy, or it's impossible. How to heal trauma and lifelong wounds.

Healing is not easy because...

The powers that be have us putting out fires constantly. Obviously, if they didn't, we'd overthrow the whole system, and replace it with one that is beautiful, functional, human.

Stepping outside of putting out fires for any length of time, healing happens naturally. WE flow toward healing.

Dietarily, for instance, the 'fires' are inflammation. Fasting and cleansing are a way to set aside the burn, and healing happens.

For psycholgy, what does it look like to set aside the burn? Maybe creativity? Maybe time in nature? Romance?

The ego wants to remain wounded. It's paradoxical. Because it wants to maintain the identity, and the wound is part of the identity.

Because most people live mostly as an expression of this ego, they'll defend their wounds to the death. Quite literally. If someone diagnoses them with something, that's 'proof': they have permission to go to the grave with that thing.

So healing. For me, it's about enligthenment. There's a subtle distinction between a healing and a cure. A cure means the physical symptoms vanish, and a healing occurs more at the 'spiritual' level. Meaning, a profound sense of wholeness.

One could heal and then pass away. Sometimes it works out that way.

Because while we do our work, we alter the course of the stars. However, only so far. There's some destiny in the whole thing, I think. Mostly, people take on something vast and ineffable as another way to limit themselves. I'm not using it that way here.

I'm just saying one day, it will be your time to go, and you'll go.

It's liberating, in a sense, because there's nothing to rail against, fear, destroy.

And healing is the most revolutionary act in the world. It really always has been.

The Christ story. The Buddha story. Look at those in terms of 'healing' interwoven with 'fate' and tell me what you notice. How I used to resist those stories: either of them could have stepped aside, lived on. (And there are versions of the story where he did).

It's not simple. It's not as complicated as people make it.

It's complex and beautiful.

Do you know that a certain virus visited humanity lately? All I can see is the healing it's bringing. Spiritual healing. Some people still die. Some of the 'cure'. Some of the fear. It's always been that way.