Steven Budden, Founder of Budden
I came into consulting by crash course, literally. A Pacific wave swept in and slammed me headfirst into the ocean floor, breaking my neck. This was around 2008.
When I crawled out of the water, how do I put this... I was suddenly ALIVE for the first time in my life. And I know longer understood the word 'accident'.
I spent the next ‘lifetime’ in apprenticeship with a series of master coaches, healers, shamans, charlatans, and creatives. I learned lessons from each and every one. A few are dead now, living on forever in the work we do.
I began working with clients ten years ago in expansive custom engagements. When their lives began to transform, I realized that they were getting some of the benefits of my ‘near death experience’ without the crushing blow.
I’ve written 4 books on self development, developed the Rapture Protocol (a 9 week relationship reset), the Bloom Model™, and Philomela™ (an in-person somatic re-birth process).
In working with clients, I follow no creeds, no doctrines, no modalities.
As Rumi wrote:
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
You can substitute the word 'life'. They feed each other.
With ‘ruthless compassion’, I help tear down down barriers to life/ love. That’s it. So you can break out of the digital matrix and enter the throb of the life stream.
I'll often break out peerless tools taught to me by lineage-less shamans and rogue therapists.
There is often what is considered a body-centered piece. 'Somatic'. Life happens where our body meets the present moment. In the in-person Philomela™ work, touch surfaces ‘past life’ memories, childhood trauma, shattered hearts. Life’s chaos begins to fall together; things begin to make sense.
I didn't know it at the time, but that early wave that broke me was ‘an invitation to life’s dance!’ I know it now.
I'm here to invite you to dance with your own life (and spare you the crushing blow, if at all possible). To recognize the invitations when they come, and to accept them with open arms when they feel aligned.
Steven Budden
Budden: Beautiful Breakthroughs
PS. Transformation takes many forms. What will yours look like?