You are not living your full potential because something is incomplete in your life.
You complete it, and you are suddenly free.
So how?
Let's say your mother was harsh and you're waiting to understand why... or you're waiting for her to apologize... etc.
This event has affected your whole life. you could be waiting for the apology from your partners, or you could be harsh with your kids. You could be stuck financially in a place of helplessness, or needing to be mothered. Etc. The way patterns manifest is often subtle, and we only know a fraction of it.
Most people get it wrong while trying to heal or move toward their goals. For one thing, never learn how the whole system works together.
So you take the mind route. Journalling, trying to see ourselves, trying to make sense of it. This doesn't work to resolve the pattern, which lives in your nervous system, not your mind.
Can you get fit, detox, etc, and shed the baggage?
That can help, however the core issue usually remains untouched.
There are a host of modalities that attempt to work on this, like rapid eye movement and tapping and affirmations and TRE and Somatic Experiencing. What about these?
These are very helpful. However, they are not the most direct path, and will not lead to any kind of liberation from your pattern in my experience. Though they are at least pointed in the right direction. They often receive raving testimonials, because they at least give some benefit in a world of empty promises. And for anyone that has been stuck, that is a huge relief.
Is there a way to release lifelong patterns less time?
So that you can be what you were meant to be, and move toward what you want in life?
What if I said that I could help you resolve your lifelong patterns in hours? Without you needing to 'will' anything or struggle with yourself for years or decades?
What if I could touch you and your life would change... not instantly, but almost. Would you jump on the opportunity?
Now in my experience, most people wouldn't. They would rather spend their time identifying and resisting their core pattern.
I used to do marketing like that, and people assumed it was a scam. (Of course!) After they experienced it, they said the opposite.
One woman, after healing her relationship patterns and meeting her soul mate (LITERALLY), said... in tears... you were actually UNDER-estimating.
Mine is a unique story. I almost died when I broke my neck in the ocean. A huge wave slammed me into the sand.
Not long after that, I heard a birdsong. It was startling, because I realized that I was hearing it for the first time.
I mean, I'd been 'half asleep' before, and I didn't even know it! I'd just felt sort of 'incomplete'.
So you may be 'half asleep' or 'half alive' and only have a vaguee impression of it. We acclimate and it can become our 'normal', everyday state.
As I was finding ways to naturally heal my wound, the cracked bone, I also discovered, almost by accident, ways to feel more and more alive. And the pain of the wound was so central, I couldn't ignore it. And by going into it, my whole body came online.
The wound I went in to heal, the bone, was the surface wound.
While I thought that was my issue, it was the manifestation of the issue. The root. And it threaded back to every other pattern in my life.
That's how it is with you, too, and whatever challeng you're facing now. It's the surface. We need to go deeper.
So after I discovered this, to my astonishment, I found ways to awaken it in others. It took years of training and experimentation.
I just saw where people where stuck in their thoughts, actions, words, bodies, and put them back into alignment physically. Or I guided them with words. Or I straightened a curled up foot. Or lifted a fallen heart. Etc.
And then a little magic happened...
It was almost like clients were experiencing a sort of 'mirror' of what I experienced in my near death experience, without the harrowing brush with death; without the crushing blow.
So, I thought:
'This is something that I need to deliver to the world. How?'
I want you to hear the birdsong, or see your lover, or yourself in the mirror, or the flower, or the sunset, for the first time.
Like sit in full presence with your loved ones for the first time.
Or... feel the throb of life with your whole body...
Here's the way.
I'm not going to say it's the ONLY way, I'll just say that 'I don't know another way.'
I don't know how else to explain what I do. Though if you have questions, I can send you answers to a few frequently asked questions.
If you already know this is for you, perfect. Reply 'yes', and we can schedule a consult to see if we're a match.
In the back of your mind, you're trying to compare this process to something else. That's how the human mind works. It wants to define, label, understand.
However let me say this...
I provide a unique experience. It's completely bespoke, based on your unique constellation. I've never had someone come to me, experience the process, and say 'Oh I already tried that.'
They always say 'I've never experienced something like this!'
What I do is find the places where that 'incomplete thing' lives in you, and bring your awareness to them.
We do it through...
A powerful combination of informed touch and compassionate inquiry.
Trauma. Old wounds. Near death experience. Other awakening experiences (Layers of Awakening™).
Education. I learned a lot from a lineage-less shaman woman that recently passed away, who taught at a now defunct healing school in San Francisco, in an intensive 3-year program, through an assortment of masters and healers, charlatans and gurus.
Experience. And then I practiced and refined it over 10 years.
And here we are.
I can confidently say that you may experience more benefit than with years of talk therapy in a few hours.
Outrageous, I know.
It is perhaps most direct healing modality in the world, for those that are ready.
Are you?
Now, while this process focuses on emotional healing, I'll remind you how linked everything is. Clients' bodies have certainly healed once their blockages were released.
Those pains and ailments that the mainstream systems cannot describe or contain... those live here.
When you've tried 'everything else', to no avail, you're in the perfect place.
You could be a decades-long veteran on the path, read every book on whatever topic, etc. It doesn't matter.
It also doesn't matter what spiritual system you use. (Though some may be designed to keep you further from the simple truths).
This system will bring you more and more alive for the first time.
I was 30 when I felt complete for the first time. It came from reconnecting to my feet. I cried tears of joy.
You'll cry, and you'll complete your loops, and you'll experience a profound life upgrade. You'll be more capable to give and receive love, and you'll get stunning clarity on your next steps.
Most people experience something that always inspires me: tears of grief flow into tears of joy.
In a world of dramatic and constant chance, this should be your first priority: to come alive. Everything else is a fiction.
Come alive, and THEN engage with the world. Engage the process, and the world begins to usher you on.
And bring that aliveness to whatever you do, whatever you have, whoever you've been.
The constellation of your life will shift, and your people (the primary people in your life) will 'shop up' differently.
So, I could also say it like this: Powerful Soul, Welcome to Your Body™. It's a staggeringly beautiful world. (Contrary to all prior 'perceptual' evidence).
Here we are.
One road leads to point A.
One road leads to point B.
Which do you choose?
Love and flow,
Steven Budden Jr.
Enlightenment Services
Budden LLC