Journeybook (PDF)

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Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 9.27.30 PM.png

Journeybook (PDF)


What will you discover? The Flow into Joy Journeybook is an interactive healing manual and guided workbook designed to take you through the same journey that I take clients through in my Flow Transformational Programs, to the heart of your patterns, to the core of your being so that you can feel more deeply, love more passionately, live more fully. In Flow: An Illuminated Training Manual- How to Thrive in Love, Work, and Play, I touched on many topics briefly. The Flow into Joy Journeybook is designed to go deeper and explore below the surface, behind the shadows, to flood your entire life with the light of awareness and stir up a revolution of healing and connection that will transform your life. The Possibilities are Endless...

  • Discover your Life Purpose by Listening to the Wisdom of your Body

  • Transform your life in ways that Fill you with Joy

  • Emotional Healing and Physical Healing of chronic conditions

  • Begin to see your Whole Life as Interconnected in Profound ways

  • Create a Sustainable, Heart-Centered Action Plan that Inspires you

  • Cultivate Deep Connection and Love for Yourself

  • Let this Self Love Naturally Blossom into Deep Connections and Intimacy with Others

  • Understand and Physically Feel your Blockages, and Experience their Release

  • Bypass the Mind's Endless Loops by Trusting your Body Again

  • Experience your Life at a new Level of Depth and Joy

  • Thrive in Love, Work, and Play

  • Anything Else you can Dare to Imagine...

What's inside the Flow into Joy Journeybook?

  1. Paradigm Shifting Distinctions that will Transform your Life

  2. A Model that Clearly Illustrates the Healing Process and the Cycles of Discontent

  3. A Unique Outline of the Stages of Healing so that you can Measure your Progress

  4. A Tool for Tracking Presence and Creating Connection to Yourself and Others

  5. Techniques for using your Body to Cultivate Peace and Joy

  6. A Tutorial on Breathing and Standing (simple huh?) in Ways that Can Empower you in Difficult Moments

  7. Centering Practices to use When you are Triggered, Angry, or Scared

  8. A way to Catalogue and Make Sense of the Patterns in your Life

  9. A Guided Exploration of your Earliest Experience (Your Birth) and Birth Trauma Release

  10. An Activity that Highlights Where you May be Taking On the Burdens of your Ancestors

  11. Physical Movements for Releasing Congested Emotional and Physical Energy (and toxins) from your Physical Tissues

  12. Safe ways to Release Words and Ideas that You've been Holding onto for your Whole Life

  13. A way to Catalogue your Resources so that You Never feel Helpless Again

  14. A Key that Helps you Decode the sometimes Mysterious Messages from your Body, so that you can Tune In and Feel before the Mind Comes In and Complicates your Experience

  15. A Concrete Plan for Working Social Connection into your Life

  16. Compelling ways to Create Momentum and Measure Progress on your Healing Journey

  17. A Life Master Key Exercise that Helps you Take Everything you've Learned and Move Toward your Dream

  18. So much more...

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