Mastering The Art of Life.

Life gets complicated.

There are a million moving parts. Sometimes it feels like touching might topple the whole thing. 

It doesn't matter what you do in these moments. It matters what you are. 

There are tools for coming back into your body... touching serenity in the eye of the storm. 

From this place, creativity flows, love deepens, healing happens, and life becomes an art. 

Now I know, if you're in a hole, it's hard to think about beauty and art. But as soon as you can make that shift, you're no longer in the hole. 

That's what I'm interested in. 


I was Blind. Now I see. 

Let's face it. Most people live in the dark. 

They stumble through lives in quiet desperation.

The consequences are disconnection, loneliness, regret, and disease. 

The more intimate you become with yourself and your patterns, the more rich your life experience becomes. 

The more alive you'll feel.  

The more ALIVE you feel, the more beauty you'll create, the more love you'll make, and the more you'll be able to trust what's unfolding before you. 

The more alive you'll be. 



From the Inside Out.

You've tried to shuffle around the externals.

New car, new living space, new clothes, new relationship, new town, new hobby, etc. 

Hoping that something might feel different. 

That rarely works? Usually it only pushes the real issue off into the future. 

We'll work from the inside out, exploring how your beliefs and past experiences are "creating" what's in front of you now.

Once we clear the clutter, you'll walk into the same old situations and they'll look completely NEW.

Not because you've rearranged the furniture or the faces, but because you've swept out all of the debris from your own mind and heart. 

This is where rapture begins. 


We all Crave Love.

But concepts get in the way.

And when skin meets skin or eyes meet, the concepts crumble and we wonder what went wrong?

Others  mirror what we believe about ourselves.

In the mystery of love, two halves can't make a whole, and one plus one is more than two.

One of my specialties is courageous loving in the wake of difficulties (or trauma). It takes courage to love again after a betrayal or a broken heart.

Beautiful, fulfilling relationships rise out of this courage. 

First we need to clear the past from your body and mind. 


Life is an Ocean of Possibility.

In case you forgot. 

Remember how the world looked the first time you moved through it?

a world full of magic and miracles. 

I'll show you how to reconnect to that innocence. 

Not in a naive way, but in a way that it jives with your worldly wisdom. 

If you are constantly running around in thought loops, it can be a huge energy drain. 

Once you break free of the loops, you'll have notice ABUNDANT ENERGY to pour into your passions

We spend so much time fantasizing about what we want or complaining about what we don't have that we often lose touch with what we truly desire. 

I'll show you how to get back in touch with your core desires. 


Unleash your Genius.

You are a brilliant.  

A brilliant individual with very UNIQUE gifts.

Your most potent expression happens when you embrace what you are. 

Few are courageous enough to stand out as "originals" in their field. 

I'll show you how to...

  • Stand in your power

  • Find your voice

  • Trust your intuition 

  • Claim your desires 

  • Honor your emotions

  • Become a leader

  • Unleash your unique genius

And gracefully let go of the rest.